Exercise Therapy

Rehabilitation of musculoskeletal conditions requires an integration of a hands-on approach and exercises that address the movement impairment, supplemented by a home programme of specific individual exercises.

This will allow you to move without pain and fulfil your potential. Recent trends towards evidence-based practice are of paramount consideration when prescribing exercises to patients. This requires knowledge of current scientific research. Any exercise programme will reflect this knowledge and experience. All our programs are based on a thorough examination, and administered by our highly trained physiotherapists to best manage your problem. We will take the time to study your biomechanics and movement patterns which are often a contributor to pain especially in overuse injuries. Each patient will receive specific exercises that will be progressed and made more challenging as you get better. The programmes are designed to be stage appropriate, progressive and realistic based on your work-life balance.

Different types of exercise:

  • Mobility and flexibility
  • Core/stability exercises, these may include pilates, gym ball or wobble board work
  • Strengthening
  • Cardiovascular
  • Neural mobilization
  • Proprioception

We can guide you on the frequency and amount of exercises that you should do and ensure your form and techniques aid your recovery.

Below are articles that focus on the exercise benefits of two common problems.

Improvement in upper leg muscle strength underlies beneficial effects of exercise therapy in knee osteoarthritis: secondary analysis from a randomised controlled trial

Physiotherapy Exercises

Physiotherapists have been trained in the use of exercise therapy to strengthen your muscles and improve your function. Physiotherapy exercises have been scientifically proven to be one of the most effective ways that you can solve or prevent pain and injury.

Timing of exercises is paramount. Often in the early days of treatment the regularity of exercise is essential. We may need you to combine the use of heat or ice prior to or after you exercise. Your body may also respond better to exercises being completed at certain times in the day to better enable subsequent activity. Exercise is useful post steroid injection as you are likely to have a window of time whereby you can optimise the pain relief by strengthening and supporting a vulnerable region.

To aid accuracy and to serve as reminders we have software that allows us

to format programmes individually for reference in handouts and video.





In addition, our phone App, PT Momentum allows your Physiotherapist to set your

programme and daily targets.  You can download the App free on your phone and follow

clear instructions, look at images and view videos to help support your individual programme.