Covid-19 Policy


Please read prior to your appointment.

The safety and health of patients, the clinic personnel and everyone’s close contacts are of paramount importance hence the need for the procedures below to be followed.

These procedures are in line with government and our regulatory body guidelines (Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and PhysioFirst).

  • Patients will be contacted prior to any appointment and asked to fill in a information form by email which allows the clinicians to establish some key information.  A follow up telephone call will be organised to discuss the options for treatment.
  • As part of this form we will ask about any possible symptoms that might indicate a possible Covid-19 infection, ie: new dry cough, increased temperature, taste and smell altered.  We will also be finding out more details of your musculoskeletal problem.
  • Patients who have been in recent contact with anyone who has any of the above symptoms must contact the clinic prior to their appointment.
  • People can be infectious for up to 5 days before they develop symptoms.

So, if you have been in recent contact with anyone who subsequently develops symptoms please contact us prior to your appointment.

  • Should you develop symptoms within the 5 days following your appointment, please inform us as you may have been infectious when you attended.
  • In the event of any of the above occurring between the telephone call and your appointment, please call as alternatives to a face to face consultation will be discussed.
  • Should your Physiotherapist, or a member of their household be affected in the same way, you will be contacted as they will then be in self-isolation for 14 days.
  • Patients considered as ‘vulnerable’, will be offered a telephone or online video consultation.
  • We reserve the right to decline treatment to anyone attending with symptoms.
  • To minimise the number of people within the clinic at the same time, patients are requested to arrive at the time of their appointment, and not before.  We will then aim to take you straight through to the treatment room.
  • In the event of patients having to wait in the waiting room, chairs will be spaced at two-metre distances.
  • Patients who have to be driven to their appointment; please ask your driver to wait in the car.
  • Patients who require 3rd party assistance; this will be permitted as long as the 3rd party is from the same household and follows the above procedure, please inform us of any need in advance.  If at all possible, we would prefer that patients attend alone.
  • On entering the clinic patients will be asked to wash their hands or use supplied hand sanitiser.  Please do not attend wearing protective gloves.
  • Patients will be required to wear a facemask during the consultation, whilst these can be supplied, we have limited stock so request that you please bring your own.  A small fee for this may be requested.
  • A gap will be left between appointments to have time to aerate the consulting room and clean.  All surfaces touched by patients will be wiped with an alcohol-based sanitiser, this includes door handles, taps, toilet flush, clothes hangers, desk surfaces, staircase bannisters etc.
  • The pillows and treatment table will be covered with disposable paper and have wipeable covers to be cleaned between patients.
  • Your Physiotherapist will be wearing PPE in line with guidelines, this will include a facemask, apron and possibly protective glasses.  These will be changed, washed or disposed of appropriately.  Donning and doffing of PPE will follow NHS procedures.  This is necessary as social distancing to the two metre rule is not possible where treatment involves manual therapy within the clinic.
  • We ask that payment for your consultation is done via card rather than cash or cheques at the appointment.
  • Should guidelines change due to national or local events, patients will be contacted in advance of their appointment.

Thank you for your understanding.

Hart Physio

Tel: 01252 811773